While they're updating the servers over at the 30 Day Challenge - I decided I would take some time to catch up on some articles for Associated Content. If you were wondering how Associated Content works - here's a few quick pics to show you how easy it is to make money there. Notice - the top article is an article I submitted today. It generally takes anywhere from 1 to 5 days for them to make an offer to you. The second two articles that say "pending/confirmed" are articles that I wrote yesterday and received offers for today. I accepted both offers and am happy as they are both slightly above my average of $4.75 per article. The last articles that say "Published" in green are articles that have been published and I have received payment for. Here is a pic of my paypal account where they deposited the money - the great thing is there is no minimum payment. They pay you per article. So if you write one - you get paid for one. If you write one hundred, you get paid for 100! It's that easy. Give it a shot! Technorati Tags: 30 day challenge, 100 in 100, making money online, associated content, pay to writePowered by ScribeFire. Labels: 100 in 100, 30 Day Challenge, associated content, making money online, pay to write
Subscribe to $100 in 100
Seems like a lot of work for little return. If you have serious articles, why not submit them to magazines?