I've been spending most of the afternoon preparing myself for the Thirty Day Challenge by familiarizing myself with all of the different applications. It's funny because I've seen and used all of the applications - things like twitter and StumbleUpon, add ons for FireFox, but I don't think I've really used them so far. I'm excited to learn how to really make these things work for me. In between playing around with the different apps, I've also been writing some more articles on Associated Content. I know the goal of this challenge is to make 10 dollars in 30 days online, I've already done that today. That's not the hard part - but if you think about it, the money I've made today has been from work like writing articles. The thing about the challenge that I am most excited about is learning how to make a more residual income. One that keeps growing. I know that takes a lot of front end work, but the benefits on the back end will hopefully be as Will Ferrell likes to say, "Glorious." At one time in my life - a short period - I worked as a Financial Advisor for American Express. For every insurance program I sold I earned an initial commission, as well as a residual commission every year (though I didn't stay on long enough to see those). That's the idea I'm looking to create here - I want to do a lot of work over the next thirty day (more likely a lot longer than that) and I want that work to build something for me that keeps paying me over and over. One of the members of my team is from Uruguay. His name is Esteban. We've only been interacting for a couple of days now, but he's already pointed me in the direction of a pretty neat free application for screen capture in windows. Here's the link: Screen Hunter. It's free and it works like Skitch for the Macintosh. Here's a screenshot using that tool - the shot is of my browser and Esteban's games company - Wild Harmony Studio. Also notice in the picture I'm browsing the web, but also writing this blog post with ScribeFire at the bottom. Cool eh? Technorati Tags: 30 day challenge, screenhunter, making money online, associated content, pay to writePowered by ScribeFire. Labels: 30 Day Challenge, associated content, making money online, pay to write, screenhunter
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