September Earnings
Updated Oct. 1, 2007

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Sunday, August 26, 2007
See What Happens When You Don't Check Your Spam Folder For A Whole Week?

Now do you see the importance of setting up a throwaway email if you're going to do any 'Get Paid To' sites? Almost 4000 spam! Do not use your regular email! Duh.

Luckily this is an email account that I set up specifically for this purpose - I don't have it for any other reason than to collect spam. In fact - I'm thinking about going for the Guinness Book of World Records' Record for spam collection. Is there such a record? If there isn't it could be wide open for my taking. Though gmail does auto-delete spam after a month - so maybe my record will have to be for spam collected in a month.

I mean - collecting spam is ok right? It's not like any trees are dying in it's production. Maybe a few electrons here and there - what is the environmental impact of spam anyways? Is there any? Or is it a clean burning pollutant?

If you'd like your own spam collection email - set one up on gmail. Then sign up at some spam generator like CashCrate. We can race - first one to 20,000?

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posted by HarpersDad @ 10:25 PM  
  • At August 28, 2007 at 2:24 PM, Blogger Frog the Dog said…

    Oh, you are doing WAY better than me - i only get about a thousand daily.But without a gmail account!
    the best ones are for my security person - Wolfy Bonebitz, an alsation who eats all the bisuits whilst on night duty!
    We had to let himgo in the end, he was attracting all the wrong sorts.....

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Name: HarpersDad
Home: Las Vegas, NV
About Me: I am a new dad (well, Harper is a year old) and I'm already worried about his college education. Mostly because I'm still paying mine off. My plan is simple - create multiple streams of online income so that the overall amount of all of them comes out to 100 dollars a day. So here it is: each step along the way about how to make $100 a day in 100 days...
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